50 Most important Computer MCQ for Odisha Police SI 2025


Odisha police SI 2025 Important MCQs

Here are 50 important computer-related multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for the Odisha Police SI 2025 exam:

Basic Computer Knowledge

  1. What is the full form of CPU?
    a) Central Processing Unit
    b) Central Process Unit
    c) Central Programming Unit
    d) Central Printed Unit
    (Answer: a)
  2. Which part of the computer is called the “brain”?
    a) RAM
    b) Hard Disk
    c) CPU
    d) Monitor
    (Answer: c)
  3. What does RAM stand for?
    a) Read Access Memory
    b) Random Access Memory
    c) Read Anywhere Memory
    d) Random Action Memory
    (Answer: b)
  4. Which of the following is an input device?
    a) Monitor
    b) Printer
    c) Keyboard
    d) Speaker
    (Answer: c)
  5. Which key is used to delete characters to the left of the cursor?
    a) Delete
    b) Backspace
    c) Shift
    d) Escape
    (Answer: b)

Operating Systems & Software

  1. Which of the following is an operating system?
    a) MS Word
    b) Windows
    c) Google Chrome
    d) Notepad
    (Answer: b)
  2. What is the full form of OS?
    a) Open Software
    b) Operating System
    c) Optical Storage
    d) Output System
    (Answer: b)
  3. Which of the following is a system software?
    a) MS Excel
    b) Windows 10
    c) Photoshop
    d) Chrome
    (Answer: b)
  4. Linux is an example of:
    a) Open-source software
    b) System software
    c) Both a and b
    d) None of the above
    (Answer: c)
  5. What type of software is Microsoft Word?
    a) System software
    b) Utility software
    c) Application software
    d) Firmware
    (Answer: c)

Internet & Networking

  1. What does WWW stand for?
    a) World Wide Web
    b) Web World Wide
    c) Wide World Web
    d) None of the above
    (Answer: a)
  2. What is the full form of HTTP?
    a) HyperText Transfer Protocol
    b) HyperText Test Protocol
    c) High Transmission Text Protocol
    d) High Text Transfer Protocol
    (Answer: a)
  3. Which device connects a computer to a network?
    a) Printer
    b) Router
    c) Keyboard
    d) Scanner
    (Answer: b)
  4. What is an IP address used for?
    a) To store files
    b) To identify a computer on a network
    c) To display web pages
    d) To protect a computer from viruses
    (Answer: b)
  5. The full form of Wi-Fi is:
    a) Wireless Fidelity
    b) Wide Frequency
    c) Wireless Functionality
    d) None of the above
    (Answer: a)

Microsoft Office

  1. What is the default file extension of MS Word documents?
    a) .txt
    b) .xls
    c) .docx
    d) .ppt
    (Answer: c)
  2. In MS Excel, which function is used to find the sum of a range?
    a) SUM()
    b) AVG()
    c) TOTAL()
    d) ADD()
    (Answer: a)
  3. What is the shortcut key for “Copy” in MS Word?
    a) Ctrl + C
    b) Ctrl + X
    c) Ctrl + V
    d) Ctrl + P
    (Answer: a)
  4. In PowerPoint, which feature is used to apply motion effects to objects?
    a) Slide Show
    b) Transitions
    c) Animations
    d) Effects
    (Answer: c)
  5. In MS Excel, a cell is identified by:
    a) Row number
    b) Column number
    c) Column letter and row number
    d) Cell color
    (Answer: c)

Cyber Security

  1. What is the full form of VPN?
    a) Virtual Private Network
    b) Virtual Public Network
    c) Verified Private Network
    d) None of the above
    (Answer: a)
  2. A computer virus is a:
    a) Hardware issue
    b) Type of malware
    c) Operating system
    d) Programming language
    (Answer: b)
  3. Phishing is related to:
    a) Cybercrime
    b) Game
    c) Operating system
    d) Database
    (Answer: a)
  4. A firewall is used for:
    a) Protecting a computer from unauthorized access
    b) Enhancing internet speed
    c) Formatting a hard drive
    d) Installing software
    (Answer: a)
  5. Ransomware is a type of:
    a) Antivirus
    b) Malware
    c) Firewall
    d) Cloud storage
    (Answer: b)

Programming & Databases

  1. Which of the following is a programming language?
    a) HTML
    b) Java
    c) HTTP
    d) XML
    (Answer: b)
  2. SQL is used for:
    a) Web designing
    b) Database management
    c) Operating system development
    d) Image editing
    (Answer: b)
  3. What is the full form of HTML?
    a) HyperText Markup Language
    b) HyperText Managing Links
    c) HighText Markup Language
    d) Hyper Transfer Markup Language
    (Answer: a)
  4. Which of the following is NOT a database management system?
    a) MySQL
    b) Oracle
    c) MS Word
    d) PostgreSQL
    (Answer: c)
  5. The full form of CSS is:
    a) Cascading Style Sheets
    b) Computer Style System
    c) Central Style Sheet
    d) Coding Style System
    (Answer: a)

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